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How To Rank In Search Engines

There are many reasons why you may not rank well in search engines, here are some you should know about; Internal & External Links Affiliate Ads Site Speed Categories and Tags Posts and Pages Old Posts Reviews Comments Pictures Internal & External Links When you have a number of posts on your blog, if you […]

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Graphic representing keywords

Keywords – do they work?

We are talking about SEO. You want lots of traffic but I’m guessing, the right kind of traffic. The kind of people who hang on your every word and buy whatever you have to offer. So, here’s a list of what I’ll cover in this post. This post is short and sweet. Keywords, what are […]

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Graphic showing numbers to represent algorithms

Algorithms – In Layman’s, Easy to Understand Terms

I am going to try to demystify algorithms for you. Hopefully! If you make it to the end of this post, you should have a reasonable understanding of algorithms. This word (algorithms) crops up a lot in our online activities and there is a lot of gibberish and misunderstanding as to what exactly algorithms are. […]

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