Graphic showing keywords

Search – How to use keywords.

Are you stuck?

It’s all a mystery and you can’t find topics for your blog?

Keyword/s are what you type into a search engine like Google. Keyword is a single keyword and long-tail keywords are a string of keywords.

You know good content is important for your rankings, but standing out on the internet, how do you do that? There’s so much internet ‘noise’ and your mind is drawing a blank.

Advice is thick and fast; go for a walk, write, do something. Okay, you may have done all those things and you still draw a blank.

What do you do now?

As in the last tutorial, I will take it one step at a time and by the end of this tutorial, you should have keywords mastered.

Things I will cover:

  1. Using a keyword search tool to get new ideas
  2. Refining your search technique
  3. Defining your topic
  4. Finding content
  5. Tips and conclusion

So let’s get this show on the road…

1. Using a keyword search tool to get new ideas, Jaxxy

Jaxxy is a keyword tool that I use, there are others that you could use. I like this one because it provides a lot of useful statistics.

You are now in a position, in which many people find themselves; a blank mind and wondering whether having a cup of coffee will make any difference. So you need something to kick start your brain…well, here it is.

I’m hoping by this stage if you’ve read my previous posts that you’ve set up your website and are ready to find out how to rank on Google or any search engine for that matter. This technique can be used for any business.

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First, we will start with a shotgun approach. The first word I am going to search for is, ‘online’ it’s very generic so it should get us a lot of information. Type ‘online’ into Jaaxy and see what it turns up. If you type ‘online’ into the Google search bar you can scroll to the bottom and see a list of suggestions. What Google is showing you is a list of the most popular searches on the net. In and of itself, it’s not very useful, because it doesn’t tell you how many people are searching, whether it’s overused or even if their search criteria will be useful to you. Jaxxy on the other hand gives you this information and more.

So this is what Jaaxy turned up for me:

There are a lot of choices. Looking at the left and right columns I want to see which title/s interest me.

Understanding the columns;

  • Keyword – is the search criteria you type into a search engine, like Google
  • Avg – is the average amount of people searching for that keyword/s
  • Traffic – is the amount of people that will visit your website if you make page one of Google
  • QSR – Quoted Search Results, the amount of competing websites ranked in Google for this exact keyword/s
  • KQI – Keyword/s indicator quality: green great; yellow normal; red poor.
  • SEO – A score based on traffic and competition, the higher the score, the more likely you will rank for this keyword/s on the first page (scale of 1-100, higher is better).
  • Domains – Availability of domains related to that keyword/s

2. Refining your search technique.

Now we need to look for a topic we can write about. ‘Online’ is a very broad search term so let us refine our search.

I like the look of ‘make money online fast’ so let’s search for that under that long-tail keyword and see what I can find. (A long-tail keyword simply means, more that one word in your keyword search):

Look at all those topics that I can choose from.

LOOK AT ALL THAT LOW HANGING FRUIT! Low hanging fruit are keywords that are ranking well. These are the ones you need to use because potentially they will bring more readers to your blog.

7,036 for the first one!

Now you’re getting the idea, let’s take this a step further…

3. Defining your topic

Now this is getting interesting…

We have so many choices of what to write about, which one do we write about and how do we do that?

I’ve decided to choose the title ‘earn money online free’ except, the grammar is incorrect. So what I will do is try this title ‘earn quick money online’ and this is what I get:

97 means my chances of ranking on page one are excellent. To be able to rank on page one, I must make sure I use the long tail keyword in both my title and my subtitles. It will also help my ranking if I use those words in the text – but it must make sense and be relevant throughout my post. Using them too many times will make my post look spammy and not user friendly.

So use long-tail keywords in sentences that will be relevant to the post you are writing.

Now I have my title, I need some content.

4. Finding content

This is how I get content…

Now that I have my title, I type it into Google:

Read through what is already available and then work on a strategy. ‘Easy ways’ may be a good start but ’10 best ways’ is even better. I think with ’10 best ways’ I have a better chance of grabbing my audience. After all, it is my opinion. You think the people who wrote those articles had all the best ways?

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and see what Google gives me. Alternative titles that people have been searching for:

I don’t find any of those titles interesting.

5. Tips and Conclusion…

Now I can read through all those posts. What I will do is put a different spin on what is written.

It’s easier to write good content when you read a lot of material.

Make notes from the posts that interest you, but DO NOT COPY!

Using your own words/understanding, you will come up with something worth reading. The more information you provide, the less work for your reader, the more traffic you will get.

Informed posts are always in demand, Google wants good user experience and you can provide it.

There are different ways to write content, humourous, factual and conversational, I have written an easy to read tutorial in the link below:

How to Write Great Content

Write your post and monetise it. (If you’re not sure how to do that, leave a comment below). Make sure your links for people to buy are obvious and are relevant to your text/content.

Use keyword/s in your post tags, which you will find in the right-hand side column – tags help with ranking too.

Effective selling should be subtle. ‘In your face’ advertising can be a bit too confronting for many people and may work in the short term but in the long term, subtle advertising generally works best.

If you haven’t set up your website yet, go here: Website Creation

If you have enjoyed this article, please let me know by leaving a comment. Why do I ask for this? Because in your excitement to get going on your website you might forget. 🙂