If you’re like me and don’t like to write lists or spreadsheets I’ve got good news for you. No, I haven’t, you’re going to have to do some work, sigh!
- Why a plan?
- Why a goal?
- A spreadsheet
- Achieving your dreams (FREE workbook download. 🙂 )
- Tips and conclusion
Now, you may not like this but these are necessary ingredients to get ahead in your headlong rush to earn an income online. You’ve heard all the gurus talk about it, you’ve probably told yourself you need one but your life gets in the way.
“If you fail to plan,
you are planning to fail!”
― Benjamin Franklin
You’ve heard it all before. So, with that in mind I figured maybe you might find a way to plan your life and get some success without having to do a 10 week course. Heck, who has the time?
1. Why a plan?
If you have an idea where you want to go then you do need a plan to get there.
If you decided to go on holiday in Italy then you need to know what dates you have available, where in Italy you want to go. You have to book flights, get insurance, get your passport up to date, etc, etc.
Even though you may not have that holiday written down, you knew what you wanted and you went on holiday. Easy peasy.
But, what if you want to buy a house or want to increase your income?
Unlike a holiday, which is a moment in time. Bigger goals require that you sit down and think about how you’re going to achieve it or it just becomes a pipe dream.
So, if you want to earn an extra $500 per month, what do you do?
It won’t appear magically, unless you have a rich cousin who’s willing to pay you that every month. Then you need to decide what steps are necessary to fulfil your goal.
If you work 20 hours a week on your online business and you work 46 weeks (you need a holiday) of the year then you need to earn $5,740 per annum or $6.26 an hour approximately.
Now you see how easy it is to break this down into small steps that you can take. If you focus just on earning an extra $31.25 per day (which equates to working 5 hours a day) then you will achieve your goal.
2. Why a Goal?
A goal gives you direction, something to aim for. The hardest part of a goal is figuring out what you really want.
Aim high with goals. Find out what you really want to have, no holds barred. They can all be broken down into achievable steps.
3. A Spreadsheet
Spreadsheets are not easy at the best of times but if you know how to work one then all you need are category titles and timelines. This will also mean you can only update your spreadsheet when you are on your computer.
I’m not a big fan of spreadsheets even though I know searching for items is so easy on them. I would rather my agenda be written down on paper so that I can pull it out at any time without turning on the computer. The other advantage is I am able to work on my computer and have my plan next to me to make notes on the fly.
4. Achieving your dreams
First off you need a dream. 🙂 So once you know what you want then you have to have a plan.
So, I’ve created a workbook for you, which you can download and print out. Best of all it’s FREE. You don’t even have to subscribe.

5. Tips and conclusion
Your mission, should you accept it, is to start working towards your goals. I have provided the workbook with instructions on how to use it. Go get your dreams.
Let me know if it works for you or what might improve it.