Graphic representing keywords

Keywords – do they work?

We are talking about SEO. You want lots of traffic but I’m guessing, the right kind of traffic. The kind of people who hang on your every word and buy whatever you have to offer.

So, here’s a list of what I’ll cover in this post. This post is short and sweet.

  1. Keywords, what are they?
  2. What is SEO?
  3. How to get Google to love your site
  4. What to focus on
  5. Conclusion

Let’s get this show on the road.

1. Keywords, what are they?

Keywords are what people type into search engines. They type in what they are looking for and the search engine will list the top-ranking sites that have keywords that closely match your search criteria and if they’re not what you are looking for then they will offer alternatives of what other people are searching for.

Keywords are an important part of your post. Without them, you may not rank well with any search engine, they are not the only thing you need.

Your choice of keywords is important. It’s no good having keywords that people don’t search for unless you find something unique that may enable that keyword go viral, but that’s a gamble.

2. What is SEO?

SEO is Search Engine Optimisation. This is needed to get your posts and website recognised and ranked on the internet.

There are algorithms that determine if your site has relevant data in your posts and is relatable to your website name.

This is why your website name is important. The clearer it is, the easier it is for people to find you.

It’s also about the speed of your site. If your site loads too slowly then people may not wait for your page to load. But, if you have been recommended by others, then it’s not so much of an issue.

Your words must make sense. The clearer your descriptions, the easier it is for Search Engines to index you. Just because you’ve researched the perfect long-tail keyword doesn’t mean it’ll get you traffic.

Your post will be compared with other posts in your niche and that will determine on how high you rank.

3. How to get Google to love your site

Be relevant and to the point. Content is king and for a very good reason. Most people want answers and they want them quickly.

With so much information on the internet, it’s not easy to get recognised. It does take time and consistency.

Make sure you have a website name that makes sense to the niche you have chosen, the shorter the better. Make sure your posts stick to what your site is about, don’t ramble.

When you write a post, stick to one subject only. Use laser focus here.

I’ll use an analogy. Let’s say you love pop music, and you hear there’s a good band in town. (I know, going out is out of the question. 🙂 ) You go to see them perform and you’re enjoying their performance and then all of a sudden they start playing the blues! I think you would leave the venue pretty fast. It’s the same with your post, just focus on one thing.

Because most people only see the top part of your blog on a mobile phone, make sure that you have provided a solution or overview of the post in your first paragraph and then go into detail. If your first paragraph is captivating they’ll read the rest.

Don’t overuse ads or opt-ins. (you know we don’t like them) It’s better to have an opt-in at the end of your post, that way you know they are your avatar and they will be a better subscriber than the ones who sign in early.

It’s better to have people who love what you write and will try your recommendations than having thousands who subscribe just because you have a freebie. They’re probably not going to be your avatar.

From a financial point of view having 5,000 people who are your ‘fit’ is better than 100K who are not. $10 per month from your people would equate to $50,00 per month in income.

4. What to focus on

Make sure you are focused on your subject, definitely research your keywords thoroughly and most importantly write personally to your people. Make them a part of your family.

Treat them with respect, offer them real opportunities with whatever product you are offering and stay in touch with them by writing consistently.

The biggest thing, which is often missed, enjoy your posts. If you don’t, then it’s not likely that others will. Your writing should excite you, it should be something you would read if you came across your post.

The last thing is edit your old posts and improve them all the time, make every word count. Keep looking at your title so that you know you are covering every aspect of it.

5. Conclusion

With all these things in mind you have the tools to create outstanding posts, posts that excite you. Content is not just about keywords it’s also about solving problems for people.

Add your story, let them know how you went about things, what hardships you may have faced and how you conquered them so they don’t have to go through the same trials.

With that, I wish you great success.