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How to Write Great Content

There is only one way to write great content.

Write, write, write and write. It’s like riding a bicycle. The more you ride the better you get and the more tricks you can do.

I know it’s tough. You wake up in the morning and think, today’s the day I’m going to write a post. But first, I need my coffee and I have to clear up and make sure I get no distractions. I need to check my emails and Facebook page. Let’s see what’s on my Twitter page. I’ve received a few notifications on my Instagram…the list goes on.

Guess what?

Yep, you haven’t started and for good reason, you have a lot of excuses.

Then you think, maybe I’ll get some inspiration from others. So you check out other people’s blogs. For a few hours!

Then someone writes exactly what you are thinking and you feel inspired and thank that person…but…you still haven’t started writing and by now you’re feeling a little tired and think I’ll get a fresh start in the morning, I’ll have more time.

The cycle begins again. You keep repeating this and eventually, you get disillusioned. The next excuse is, I can’t do this, it’s too hard.

If you’re having a hard time starting, you can read this post; How To Cure Procrastination. Sometimes you might be making things more difficult than you need to.

The funny thing is, you haven’t done anything and now it’s too hard.

The good thing about a job is you go to work and you know exactly what to do, you hate it, but you’re caught in a rut. So you think to yourself, I could make money online.

We come back to the cycle…

If writing is not your strong suit then maybe this FREE guide will help you;
How To Write Great Content. This gives you a complete overview of the only way to write great content.

I know this guide will inspire you and give you the confidence you need to get started and it’s FREE.

The main thing in writing is to talk like you would to a friend. Be it instructions on how to use something, or something that happened to you on the way to work or a product that you can’t live without.

Whatever you write about, don’t, don’t critique it. Let the words flow as you would if you were talking to someone. Writing is the same. In conversations we don’t edit ourselves unless, we have to retract what we’ve said or need to apologise.

With blogs, you can edit them.

Every time you write, you can edit. The more you write the better you get at this. But, in the beginning, it’s more important to get your message out than it is to edit it, as long as you’re not insulting anyone.

Enjoy the process until you get excited by your own writing. This takes time. We all suck at writing sometimes. I look at some of my writing and think, this is boring, who’s going to read this trash and at other times I think I’ve done incredibly well.

The best posts are the ones people interact with in the comments.

I hope you will and let me know what you would like me to write about. Any subject related to online marketing or problems you haven’t been able to solve.

I have quite a few resources and even though this is a new blog I do have some skills with websites.

Get on with the job of writing and let me know how you do. I will be quite happy to review what you have written.