FREE Website Tutorial

There are many ways to create a website, I hope to make the journey a better experience for you. Here are the topics I will cover:

  1. Uploading and creating a new website
  2. Working out your niche
  3. Creating your work plan
  4. How to write great content
  5. Brainstorming
  6. Goal setting

Then I will summarise some points for you to get the most out of setting up your website.

So, pull up a chair, sit back, relax, get a beverage of your choice and enjoy the ride. I know how dry these things can get, so when you say, ENOUGH! take a moment, breathe, go for a walk and then come back revitalised and refreshed and plough in again. After all you want this to be fun.

Hey, you’ve had enough coffee, get to work. 🙂 🙂 🙂

If you find this information useful, I would appreciate your comment on what you found useful and by the same token if something is missing or you didn’t like something I would want to know that too. Your comment is so valuable to me I won’t take it for granted. I want this to be a good experience for you.

1. Uploading and creating a new website:

There is a lot of information on setting up a website, but few tell you how WordPress works.

You will hear all about setting up your page and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). For a beginner it’s all gobbledygook. It’s a minefield out there.

So to make things plain and simple, for seven days only, you can learn WordPress by doing this FREE seven-day certification course; Online Entrepreneur Certification.

It will take you through the basics of how to set up a website and the inner workings of WordPress. If you’re just starting this is probably one of the best tutorials around.

It starts with the easy stuff and by the time you get to the end, you will have mastered the basics of website design/setup.

I started this course about three years ago and as a result I fully understand how to set up and design a website.

I’m keeping this website pretty simple and am using one of the free WordPress themes, twenty twenty.

This tutorial will have your website up and running within 30 seconds without any technical knowledge which leaves you to get on with the real work…writing.

2. Working Out Your Niche

If you have trouble with what niche to start with, this tutorial will give you ideas, plus, you will understand what a niche is; Niche, niche, niche and more niche.

Creating a website from scratch is not an easy thing. It does take commitment and perseverance.

Don’t listen to people who say it’s easy. As the saying goes; if it was easy, everybody would be doing it.

What it is, is a way for you to quit your job and create your own income, determined only by you. It does require good habits.

3. Creating your work plan

The way to acquire good habits is to create a work plan. If you don’t have one you may find this FREE 5 point work plan of use. My FREE Workbook. (Make sure you check your junk mail).

Now you will have your Website and niche worked out, plus, you will have a plan, all that you need to do now is work. By working, I mean writing. Sometimes you may find it hard to get started or don’t know where to start. I have a solution for you.

4. How To Write Great Content

Writing great content takes time and perseverance. It’s like riding a bicycle. The more you ride the better you get and after a while you can do tricks like riding on your back wheel, jumping over obstacles or balancing while being stationery.

Writing is the same, the more you write the better you get at it. Write when you’re watching TV, write when you’re in a waiting room, write when you’re having coffee.

If you’re short on content this could be for you; How To Write Great Content.

At every opportunity write.

5. Brainstorming

Spend 30 minutes brainstorming ideas. Write down everything you can think of related to your niche. Don’t edit and don’t worry if any of your ideas sound stupid. Just brainstorm with no limitations.

Then, focus on one or two ideas and start writing. If you’re not sure what to write, search in google for similar ideas but don’t copy. Write in your own inimitable style.

Lastly, have fun with your website, don’t make it onerous or build it in such a way that bores you. In the end, if you’re not excited by your own posts/niche others won’t be either.

Then it’s time to change.

Remember, you determine the end result. This is your business, make sure it’s the one you want to be in.

6. Goal Setting

It’s a good idea to have goals for your website. Where do you want it to take you? Who is your intended audience? Do you have products you want to sell? Would you visit your website?

There are many things to consider but the main thing is to write. I cannot over emphasise this enough. Write, write, write.


You now have the basic tools for creating your very own website. You don’t need inventory, you can start for next to nothing. Take the steps; create your website, work on your niche, have a work plan, start writing, brainstorm for ideas, set your goals and you’re off.

I wish you all success!

Now I would appreciate if you would take to the time to write me a comment about your experience, good or bad. This will help me to better fulfil your needs. I know you are probably very busy, who isn’t? Comments always inspire me to do my best.

The last thing is, don’t worry if you suck at writing. You will find your audience, there plenty of people on the web waiting for your take on life in whatever field you choose.

Good luck!