People bouncing balls

How to reduce your bounce rate.

In your online experience, you will come across many statistics and you may wonder if they are of any use.

Can you just ignore statistics?

Stats are there for you to gauge how you are doing in your online business and can help you to work on a plan to increase your business profitability. You will begin to see what is working and what is not working. So the answer is no, you can’t ignore stats if you want to succeed in your niche.

Stats can be difficult to understand, the terminology is often confusing. So I will try to make it easier for you to understand one important statistic – bounce rate.

  1. Bounce rate, what is it?
  2. Bounce rate positives and negatives.
  3. How to reduce bounce rate.
  4. Tips and conclusion

1. Bounce rate, what is it?

People who come to your site and possibly read a post or two determines your bounce rate.

The above information is analysed and a statistic is gathered. If your visitor only looks at your first post and then leaves and looks at someone else’s website, that’s called bouncing.

If they haven’t gone any further than your first page or they didn’t even read your post (how annoying!) then you’ll have a 100% bounce rate and all you had was one lousy visitor! This can happen if your website is slow to load, they will have moved on before your post appears.

Don’t panic though!

2. Bounce rate positives and negatives

Let’s find out if it’s good or bad?

Remember, a statistic is only a statistic and it can give you valuable information to help you improve your site.

If they landed on one of your affiliate pages and went straight out to buy whatever it is you are selling, although that is still a 100% bounce rate, it’s a positive for you. They’ve gone to buy whatever it is you are selling, whoohoo! You’re on your way to success.

So it’s not always bad news.

But, if your website is all about content/information and they are not staying, then that’s not so good. You want your visitor to stay as long as possible so they get an idea of what you are about and get to trust you as an authority.

Without trust, your audience’s trust, your site will have a hard time making a living. We want to trust the person we are dealing with it’s what we all desire, no one wants to get ‘ripped off’.

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3. How to reduce bounce rate.

So how do you build trust and get them to stay…?

So, if the bounce rate is determined by people coming to our websites and leaving straight away, how do we keep them?

The obvious answer is to write engaging posts so that they will want to stay, read and search out your other posts.

How else can we keep our hard earned audience?

We can do this by linking to another post in our blog. This will keep them from going to another website. This strategy will lower our bounce rate… It’s easier to lead your reader by links through your website than expect them to search through all your posts.

Using logical links is a reason for your visitor to stay. Rarely does anyone have the time to read through content pages.

If your visitor loves the post you have written then, it makes sense for them to click on a link you have provided for them, possibly to another post on the same subject.

If you are selling products, bounce rate is not as important as long as visitors are using your affiliate links.

4. Tips and conclusion…

Data like bounce rate is useful, it’s an indicator of how well your website is doing.

Bounce rate doesn’t tell you anything other than how many people have come to your site, what page they visited and how long they stayed. It won’t tell you how much you are selling or where they went next or if they have visited your site before – there are other algorithms for that.

Bounce rate is a good measurement for seeing how engaging your posts are in enticing your visitors to stay.

If you have a very low bounce rate, then there may be a problem with the crawlers that are crawling your site not reading your site data correctly.

If you found this useful, please let me know in the comments, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

So don’t get hung up on bounce rate, it’s not the only indication of how well you are doing.

The tutorial link below is useful if you haven’t figured out how to link your affiliates properly:

How to Add Links to your Website

Do something today because you can’t do it tomorrow- because it never comes!